Перевод: с венгерского на все языки

со всех языков на венгерский

he's so ugly

  • 1 csúf

    ugly, disfigured

    Magyar-ingilizce szótár > csúf

  • 2 csúf kiskacsa

    ugly duckling

    Magyar-ingilizce szótár > csúf kiskacsa

  • 3 kellemetlen fráter

    ugly customer, pill

    Magyar-ingilizce szótár > kellemetlen fráter

  • 4 ronda

    ugly, frumpy

    Magyar-ingilizce szótár > ronda

  • 5 begerjed

    (EN) cut up ugly; go off the deep end; turn on

    Magyar-német-angol szótár > begerjed

  • 6 begurul

    (EN) be off the handle; blaze up; cut up ugly; fly off the handle; go off the deep end; roll in

    Magyar-német-angol szótár > begurul

  • 7 csúf

    (DE) garstig; gräßlich; hässlich; häßlich; schäbig; meschant; schiech; schnöd; wahnschaffen; (EN) bulged; disfigured; ugly; unhandsome

    Magyar-német-angol szótár > csúf

  • 8 csúnya

    (DE) difform; garstig; hässlich; häßlich; schäbig; unansehlich; unansehnlich; unschön; meschant; oll; (EN) bad; black; dirty; disagreeable; hideous; ill-looking; inelegant; nasty; plain; ugly; unlovely; unsightly

    Magyar-német-angol szótár > csúnya

  • 9 gengszter

    (DE) Ganove {r}; Verbrecher {r}; (EN) bad man; gangsman; gangster; gunman, gunmen; high-binder; hijacker; hood; hoodlum; plug-ugly; racketeer; thug

    Magyar-német-angol szótár > gengszter

  • 10 kellemetlen

    (DE) anzüglich; arg; enttäuschende; garstig; heikle; misslich; mißbehaglich; mißlich; mulmig; pestartig; prekär; schikanös; unangenehm; unbehaglich; unerfreulich; unerquicklich; ungemütlich; unlieb; unliebsam; vertrackt; widerwärtig; (EN) awkward; bad; beastly; bothersome; churlish; crabby; cumbrous; disagreeable; disappointing; disgracious; displeasant; displeasing; effing; grating; grotty; homely; ill; inconvenient; irksome; nasty; noisome; objectionable; obnoxious; offensive; pesky; pestilent; pestilential; poisonous; sticky; troublesome; trying; ugly; unagreeable; uneasy; ungrateful; unkindly; unlovely; unpleasant; unpleasing; unsavory; unsavoury; untoward; unwelcome; vexatious

    Magyar-német-angol szótár > kellemetlen

  • 11 mérgelődik

    (EN) be in a fret; cut up rough; cut up ugly

    Magyar-német-angol szótár > mérgelődik

  • 12 mogorva

    (DE) bärbeißig; garstig; grantig; griesgrämig; grämlich; mürrisch; sauertöpfisch; unwirsch; vergrämt; glupsch; gnatzig; griemeln; hässig; moros; schnauzbärtig; (EN) adust; as cross as two sticks; be out of temper; bearish; crabbed; crabby; criss-cross; cross; crustiness; crusty; disagreeable; disgruntled; dumpish; grim; grouchy; grousing; gruff; grum; have the sullens; ill-tempered; like a bear with a sore head; mopey; mopy; morose; pouty; saturnine; snakey; snapping; snuffy; somber; sombre; sour; spleenful; spleeny; sulky; sullen; surly; testy; ugly

    Magyar-német-angol szótár > mogorva

  • 13 ronda

    (DE) grässlich; häßlich; schiech; schieg; (EN) beastly; blankety; bloody; disagreeable; foul-faced; frumpy; ugly

    Magyar-német-angol szótár > ronda

  • 14 rút

    (EN) disfigured; hideous; mis-shapen; ugly; unbeautiful

    Magyar-német-angol szótár > rút

  • 15 undorító

    (DE) abscheulich; abstossende; anekelnd; ekelerregend; ekelhaft; ekelig; eklig; fies; verabscheuungswürdig; verabscheuunsgwert; widerlich; widerwärtig; abscheuerregend; detestabel; (EN) abhorrent; abominable; beastly; carrion; disgustful; disgusting; distasteful; foul; fulsome; groaty; grotty; grovelling; hideous; icky; loathly; loathsome; mucksy; nauseant; nauseating; nauseous; noisome; pooping; queasy; rank; rebarbative; repellent; repulsive; revolting; shocking; sickening; smarmy; ugly

    Magyar-német-angol szótár > undorító

  • 16 csúnya

    nasty, hideous, unlovely, inelegant, ugly, dirty

    Magyar-ingilizce szótár > csúnya

  • 17 mérgelõdik

    to be in a fret, to cut up ugly

    Magyar-ingilizce szótár > mérgelõdik

  • 18 nagyon pipa

    to cut up ugly

    Magyar-ingilizce szótár > nagyon pipa

  • 19 rút

    hideous, ugly, disfigured

    Magyar-ingilizce szótár > rút

  • 20 undorító

    repellent, repulsive, nauseating, hideous, ugly

    Magyar-ingilizce szótár > undorító

См. также в других словарях:

  • Ugly Betty — Genre Comedy drama Created by Fernando Gaitán Developed by …   Wikipedia

  • Ugly Kid Joe — Ugly Kid Joe, 1992 Background information Origin Isla Vista, California, USA …   Wikipedia

  • Ugly American — is an used to refer to perceptions of loud, arrogant, demeaning, thoughtless and behavior of American citizens mainly abroad, but also at home. [Richards, Erin (2006). [http://www.cnn.com/2006/TRAVEL/10/31/cultural.etiquette/ Are you the ugly… …   Wikipedia

  • Ugly Kid Joe — Labels Polygram Records Ugly Kid Joe (UKJ) était un groupe de hard rock californien fondé aux débuts des années 1990. Sommaire 1 Historique …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ugly Phil — (born Phillip Surridge on 14 March 1960) is a radio DJ/announcer. He was born in the United Kingdom, and lived the majority of his life in Australia. Before adopting the on air name of Ugly Phil he was known on air as Phil O Neil.In 1993 94 he… …   Wikipedia

  • Ugly betty — Titre original Ugly Betty Autres titres francophones Chère Betty (  Québec) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • ugly — ugly, hideous, ill favored, unsightly are comparable when they mean contrary to what is beautiful or pleasing especially to the sight. Ugly is the comprehensive term which may apply not only to what is distasteful to the sight but also to the… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Ugly — Ug ly, a. [Compar. {Uglier}; superl. {Ugliest}.] [Icel. uggligr fearful, dreadful; uggr fear (akin to ugga to fear) + ligr (akin to E. ly, like). ??. Cf. {Awe}.] 1. Offensive to the sight; contrary to beauty; being of disagreeable or loathsome… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ugly Betty — Titre original Ugly Betty Autres titres francophones Chère Betty (   …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ugly Casanova — Datos generales Origen Issaquah, Washington, USA …   Wikipedia Español

  • Ugly Side: An Acoustic Evening with Blue October — Ugly Side: An Acoustic Evening with Blue October …   Википедия

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